Seungchan Kim

Chief Scientist and Executive Professor & Director (CCSB)



Dr. Seungchan Kim is a Chief Scientist and Executive Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Director of the CRI Center for Computational Systems Biology at the Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). Prior to this appointment, he was the Head of Biocomputing Unit and an Associate Professor at Integrated Cancer Genomics Division of Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen). He was one of the founding faculty members of TGen, founded in 2002, by Dr. Trent, then-Scientific Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health, leading computational systems biology research at the institute. He was also an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing, Informatics, Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE) at the Arizona State University from 2004 till 2011. Dr. Kim received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agriculture Engineering from the Seoul National University, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Texas A&M University. He also got his post-doctoral training at the Cancer Genetics Branch of National Human Genome Research Institute.

Dr. Kim’s research interests include: 1) mathematical modeling of genetic regulatory networks, 2) development of computational methods to analyze multitude of high throughput multi-omics data to identify disease biomarkers, and 3) computational models to diagnose patients or predict patient outcomes, for example, disease subtypes or drug response. His studies have had a large influence on the development of computational tools to study underlying mechanisms for cancer development and better understand the molecular mechanisms behind cancer biology and biological systems.

Current projects

  1. Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Axillary Bud Dormancy and Outgrowth in Sorghum and Maize to Identify Shoot Branching Genes [more info] | [more info 2]
    • USDA-NIFA (05/2022 – 04/2025)
    • Tesfamichael Kebrom (PI); Role: co-PI
  2. Engineering Methanotrophy for Carbon Capture and Utilization [more info]
    • NTESS/Sandia Lab (01/14/2022 – 09/30/2024)
    • Seungchan Kim (PI)
  3. GET-PHIT: The PHIT Workforce Development Program: Creating a diverse and inclusive health information technology (IT) workforce in Texas [more info] | [more info 2] | [more info 3]
    • Office of National Coordinator for HIT (ONC) via UT Health Science Center Houston (09/21/2021 – 09/20/2022)
    • Eric Boerwinkle (PI); Role - co-I (PVAMU sub PI)
  4. Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Tillering, Internode Elongation, and Stunting in the Tiller Inhibition (tin) Mutant Wheat [more info] | [more info 2]
    • USDA-NIFA (01/2021 - 12/2022)
    • Tesfamichael Kebrom (PI); Role: co-PI
  5. Development of Classifiers for Novel Bladder Cancer Subtypes [more info]
    • DOD/CDMRP (07/2019 - 06/2023)
    • Woonyoung Choi & Seungchan Kim (MPI); Role: MPI
  6. Noncoding RNA Biomarkers for Noninvasive and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer [more info]
    • NIH/NCI via City of Hope (09/2017 - 07/2023)
    • Ajay Goel & Dan von Hoff (MPI); Role: co-I (PVAMU sub PI)
Recent Papers

Allele-specific control of rodent and human lncRNA KMT2E-AS1 promotes hypoxic endothelial pathology in pulmonary hypertension

Identification of Lineage-specific Transcriptional Factor-defined Molecular Subtypes in Small Cell Bladder Cancer

Calibrated bagging deep learning for image semantic segmentation: A case study on COVID-19 chest X-ray image

An Exosome-based Transcriptomic Signature for Noninvasive, Early Detection of Patients With Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Multicenter Cohort Study

Computational repurposing of therapeutic small molecules from cancer to pulmonary hypertension

Semi-supervised Learning for COVID-19 Image Classification via ResNet

RNA sequencing of whole blood reveals early alterations in immune cells and gene expression in Parkinson’s disease

Frataxin deficiency promotes endothelial senescence in pulmonary hypertension

Matrix Stiffening Induces a Pathogenic QKI-miR-7-SRSF1 Signaling Axis in Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial Cells

SCUBE1 Controls BMPR2-Relevant Pulmonary Endothelial Function: Implications for Diagnostic Marker Development in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Extracellular microRNAs in blood differentiate between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke subtypes

Multiscale, multimodal analysis of tumor heterogeneity in IDH1 mutant vs wild-type diffuse gliomas

Probing glioblastoma and its microenvironment using single-nucleus and single-cell sequencing

Leveraging Spatial Variation in Tumor Purity for Improved Somatic Variant Calling of Archival Tumor Only Samples

Systems Analysis of the Human Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Lung Transcriptome

Phenotype Classification Using Moment Features of Single-Cell Data

GPU-accelerated differential dependency network analysis

Differential Response of Glioma Stem Cells to Arsenic Trioxide Therapy Is Regulated by MNK1 and mRNA Translation

Contextualization of drug-mediator relations using evidence networks


Xishaung Dong, Ph.D., prompoted to Associate Professor

Ms. Jalyn D Beaty successfully presented her MS project

Dr. Kim co-leads NIH T32 training grant for AI-Precision Nutrition Research to Promote Nutrition Health Equity among Underserved Populations

Dr. Kim awarded a collaborative grant with UPMC team to identify anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effects of Tyvaso in WSPH Group 3 pulmonary hypertension

Dr. Kim leads PVAMU team to collaborate with UT Health for GET PHIT award

Dr. Dong awarded Faculty-RISE Graduate Research Award - Division of Research & Innovation

Dr. Kebrom awarded a $200,000 research grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Dr. Dong awarded a curriculum development grant for collaboration with NVIDIA on the DLI Data Science Teaching Kit with RAPIDS

Special Issue 'Genomic Fabric Remodeling in Neurological Disorders'

Dr. Joy awarded with Faculty RISE-Undergraduate Research Award - Division of Research & Innovation

Dr. Dong awarded with Faculty RISE-Graduate Research Award - Division of Research & Innovation

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Dr. Dong) gets a gift ($25,000) from Intel Corporation for Curriculum Development

Dr. Dong awarded with RAPID to study COVID-19 with Medical Images

2019 IEEE BIBM Workshop - Single Cell -Omics: Challenges and Opportunities (BIBM-SCOMICS)

Hiring a post-doctoral fellow for Computational Biology

FIE Funding for Dr. Tesfamichael Kebrom

[DOD-CDMRP Translational Team Science Award] Development of Classifiers for Novel Bladder Cancer Subtypes

Dr. Kebrom joins CCSB and CARC, as a Research Scientist for Plant Systems Biology

CCSB@PVAMU website is up and running

CCSB Genomics Lab certified for BSL2

Dr. Xishuang Dong accepted a tenure-track faculty position (ECE) for CCSB@PVAMU

CCSB Signage Goes Up

Dr. Youngblood awarded NSF HBCU-RIA grant in collaboration with CCSB@PVAMU - first of many more to come!

First sequencing at CCSB@PVAMU - Humble Start

Drs. Lijuan Qian (PI), Xiangfang Li, Seungchan Kim and Pamela Obiomon awarded NSF-RISE grant.