Speaker: Xishuang Dong

When: 12:00pm, Oct 23, 2024

Where: Zoom [ Join Meeting ]


Personalized adaptive learning (PAL) stands out by closely monitoring individual students’ progress and tailoring their learning paths to their unique knowledge and needs. A crucial technique for effective PAL implementation is knowledge tracing, which models students’ evolving knowledge to predict their future performance. Recent advancements in deep learning have significantly enhanced knowledge tracing through Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT). However, there is limited research on DKT for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This study builds a comprehensive dataset to investigate DKT for implementing PAL in STEM education at HBCUs, utilizing multiple state-of-the-art (SOTA) DKT models to examine knowledge tracing performance. These findings have significant implications for faculty members and academic advisors, providing valuable insights for identifying students at risk of academic underperformance before the end of the semester. Furthermore, this allows for proactive interventions to support students’ academic progress, potentially enhancing student retention and graduation rates.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Xishuang Dong is a member of CRI Center for Computational Systems Biology and CREDIT, and Associate Professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). His research interests include: (1) machine learning based computational systems biology; (2) biomedical information processing; (3) deep learning for big data analysis; (4) natural language processing.