Identification and quantification of significantly altered functional pathways
Determine composition, topology and interplay of functional genomic fabrics
Determine remodeling of functional genomic fabrics and their interplay during development/hormonal cycle/disease progression/treatment
Quantify the overall transcriptomic recovery in response to a therapy
C. Hybridization of Illumina beadchips:
Optimize information-to-cost experimental design, select study population, define outcomes and determine sample size and number of technical and biological replicas;
Perform various statistical tests on experimental data
Normalize, filter and perform statistical analysis of pathophysiological and ‘omic’ data;
Collect, perform primary analysis, export in selective formats, organize in searchable dbases and prepare data for deposit into public repositories;
Assistance with Origin Pro, GraphPad Office, Excel and Mathematica
D. Computational Biology/Mathematical modeling:
Develop (classical/quantum) physics and (continuous/discrete, deterministic/stochastic) mathematical models of complex biological systems/phenomena
Run numerical simulations of mathematical models
Determine the dynamics of the overall pathophysiological and transcriptomic changes during development, hormonal cycle, progression of a disease and recovery in response to a therapy.